Hump Day How-To: Laziest Cookies Ever

Welcome to our first Hump Day How-To! Today I bring you one of the simplest recipes ever to come across my eyes ever. It also involves almost no mess which is always fun!

I can’t take credit for this idea. I have no idea who originally thought it up, but I saw a “life hack” picture of it on pinterest once and while not a Frenchie Original, it certainly is a Frenchie Staple. Funny enough, we don’t even have an actual name for it. We call it like we see it in this house.


So first, the recipe because that’s what’s important:

Total Time: 15 min,

Yield: varies, 30 ‘cookies’ per standard Ritz box

Ingredients: 1 box Ritz Crackers, 1 Bag Rolos candies (standard batch. You could make 200, you could make 1 if you really wanted)


  • Preheat oven to 345ºF
  • Place one sleeve Ritz face down in single layer on foil or parchment paper
  • Place one Rolo on each cracker
  • Bake for 4 min
  • Remove from oven
  • Top with second cracker to complete the cookie

It’s literally that easy. You can play around with temps and time but if the caramel gets too melty, it gets everywhere when you place the second cracker down, so beware.

For those of you who like a lil’ exposition and some photos, keep reading. For anyone who took the recipe and ran: same.


There’s really something special about a sweet and salty combo and even though I love a nice handcrafted pastry that takes all day and wows the entire county, quite honestly, in the kitchen I am lazy. I like to eat food. Making it, ehhhhhh. Combine that with my next level procrastination skills, and a 15 minute no-mess recipe is really my jam.

If you have a partner (or child! Kids love jobs!), unwrapping candies goes even faster. Because nothing is expanding like an actual cookie would, you can jam as many crackers as you can fit on your baking sheet.


I like to bake mine on foil because I usually make at least 100 of these bad boys which requires several cooks. I find the foil easier to remove from the baking sheet and lay on my table to cool easier than parchment paper.

You could move them individually to a cooling rack if you wanted to but, again, lazy.

Be careful with the crackers. After years of making these, there’s one thing I’ve learned that a lifetime of snacking on Ritz and PB never prepared me for: the difference in flakiness from box to box. This particular batch had hardy crackers, but I’ve had whole sleeves of crackers that crumbled the second they touched down on chocolate—no pressure applied!


So when adding cracker #2, treat it gently, like you aren’t going to smash it and all of its friends with your teeth later.

Honestly these are so simple, quick, and inexpensive to make, even the most unenthused-about-donating-food-to-events person (that’s me) can throw a couple of these in a goodie bag and have a grade A bake sale item!

If you try this out, tell me how many you ate when you ‘tested’ them. Then tell me how many you really ate.

Me, I’m going to go devour the rest of this tray.


Until next time!


The Great Cake Craze

Whoops! My days got carried away so my intro to Make It Monday is going to have to wait.

So raise your hand if you went wild for Caron Cakes when they first launched. Did you participate in the madness behind it? Scurrying from Michaels to Michaels to find your favourite color, praying it even came off the truck in the first place?


Oh yeah. That was me. 100% I had my parents running out to their Michaels, my best friend and I scoped out the color selection at our respective stores, buying for each other and engaging in not-so-sketchy suburban craft mom trades. Would you believe me if I told you I had clients from work (in a music shop) running out to see if they could find the colors I needed? 🙈

I had it bad.

The Great Buttercream Hunt will forever be remembered, as I scrambled for more yarn to finish the Granny on The Ridge Pattern which for all the struggle, remains my best selling pattern!

I amassed over 200 cakes (Caron Cakes original only. I was quite adamant about this.) largely across only two colorways because when I love something, I really love it! 😍 I was so nuts about it I sent my husband out for it. I was so nuts about it months later, I sent my friend’s husband out for it!

Happy to say the gents enjoyed taking copycat photos

I, like so many other yarnies, did everything with it. I knit with it, I crocheted with it, I displayed it on my wall. Blankets? Obvs. Sweaters? Yep. Scarves? In a snap. I even used cakes for our gender reveal!

And now…?

Well… not only am I smack dab in the process of moving my entire studio over to natural fibers, but uh, I guess the novelty of pre-determined color schemes kind of wore off for me. I’m not in love anymore. It happens.

Then what am I going to do about it? Well make things of course. Cakes still remain a great yarn to use in designing since I can play with colors without having to think about them and being a worsted weight yarn, things work up very quickly

So, if you’re wondering why so much of what you see on this blog is the same color schemes, just know I’m drowning in Rainbow Sherbet and Lemon Lime 😂

If you’re still Cake Crazy in any way, there is a Facebook Group to show off your makes that’s been going strong since the first release! Maybe I’ll see you there, or maybe I already have. 😘


Giveaway Winners

Good Evening! And thank you all for participating in my giveaway! It was so much fun to celebrate 2500 sales with all of you and I loved the enthusiasm I saw. 🥰

We have TWO winners tonight. One from the Rafflecopter here on the blog and one from Instagram! So who are we congratulating today?


🥳 Karen Ripley! 🥳 and 🥳 @tooth_fairy_trudy! 🥳


Congratulations to both of you! I will be in contact with you for your prize selections and shipping information so I can get your goodies to you! 💖

Now, I’m coming up on another milestone (2k likes on Facebook!) and I wonder: what sorts of prizes would you like to see next? Something different? Want another crack at these? Or maybe you’re tired of what I have to offer and are like, ‘Man Frenchie just send me a Starbucks gift card, please.’

I don’t know! I’m new to the prize world, so tell me your thoughts down below or on social media!


Congratulations again and I’ll see you tomorrow for an intro to ‘Monday Makes’!


Frenchie’s Faves: Intro

Happy Friday, everyone!

Fridays are going to be dedicated to Frenchie’s Faves, a day which I talk about something I love. I’ll try to keep it craft related but sometimes you just gotta get if off your chest how much you love Devil Dogs, yanno?

For the first Frenchie’s Friday Fave (F cubed? Triple F? We’ll think of something fun later), I’m diving right into my favourite worsted weight yarn:

Malabrigo Rios


Rios is my favourite for a number of reasons. Firstly, and probably one of the most important point for someone considering making a switch to natural fibers, as far as kettled dyed wool goes, it’s affordable. Because of this, it’s easy to justify making a larger project with it or even taking the crochet hooks for it.

I’ll be the first to admit I’m more likely to knit with a nicer yarn than I am to crochet with it just to be more cost effective.

The second most important point I’ll make about Rios is that it’s enjoyable to work with! I’m the sort of person who won’t work with something that needs to be softened up afterwards. If I can’t stand the feel of it on my needles or running through my hands (I’m looking at you, linen), we aren’t going to be friends.

Rios is not only soft, but it’s so springy which is a lot of fun and makes for a great stitch definition.

IMG_5962 2

Malabrigo is so great with color and Rios definitely has one of the more extensive selections which make it versatile for any sort of project you might be looking for. From solids to variegated to a straight up party in a skein (*cough*Aniversario*cough*) they cover your kettle dyed color needs quite well and definitely serve as an inspiration for my own dyeing.

Oh. Did I mention it’s superwash? That’s right. It’s washable.

So tell me: what’s your favourite worsted weight yarn? Drop some recs below of your favourite companies or indie dyers and tell me why!

Don’t forget to enter the 👉GIVEAWAY!👈

Entries close at 11:59EST July 4, 2020. Winner will be announced July 5!



It’s time for a blog and the best way to celebrate opening a blog is obviously a giveaway! But that’s not the only reason to celebrate. I recently hit 🥳 2500 sales 🥳 in my Etsy shop and that’s one heck of a milestone for lil old me so I’d like to do a little giving back!

I will be drawing one winner from here and one from Instagram but you are welcome to enter both! At the end of this post is a link to the Rafflecopter. You’ve got 3 days and a variety of ways to acquire entries!

So what’s there to win, anyway?

Each winner will receive their choice of tote bag along with one skein of kettle dyed Frenchie yarn! Each winner can choose their colour out of the four pictured, dyed on my Colonial DK.

Oh Frenchie, I don’t live in the U.S. and missing out is a bummer ☹️

Hey guess what? This is an INTERNATIONAL event! No one has to miss out due to location 🥳🥳🥳🥳

So what are you waiting for? 👇👇👇👇  Let’s win some handmakes!

👉Click to be taken to the RAFFLECOPTER!👈

Best of luck to all of you! 💖